Dark souls II coming

I know I said I most likely won’t be doing this I have some extra Ideas that I will be sharing later on ,but really want to put dark souls II here as well. Note I will not be posting any demon souls context for two reasons

One: The website is called DarkSoulLore and demo souls is it own thing

Two: I have yet to beat it, I am up till past the 1st boss, don’t want to spoil any of its deadly surprises or its lore behind them

Tales of the undead

I would like to know what fellow undead exploring the world and fighting similar battles as me. Time in Lordran is twisted to the point undead can call out to each other.

The Undead Asylum



Oscar Saves you from your jail cell and is sadly pounded into a cell not to far from yours.

You travel out your cell and encounter him later on your path after you first encounter the Asylum Demon. You fight your way onto a higher platform above the exit of the Asylum. You jump down and defeat the demon and escape thanks to the crow

The Legend of Artorias, the Abysswalker

Artorias, the Abysswalker

As the Abyss spread across the land, Gywn sent Artorias to halt or prevent the spread of the abyss. Artorias with his comrade Sif the Great Gray Wolf managed to enter the abyss to were Artorias learned the art of abyss walking.

As he tried to stop the abyss spread in Oolaclle, but was consumed by the dark. Who knows how long he was being in control of the dark, but one day, the chossen undead kills him.

As we expolre chasm of the abyss, we find Sif surrounded by humanity, but is protected by the power of Artoriases shield. You save him and he escapes. We fight our way to Manus and kill him.

Your deeds get mistaken into the deeds of Artorias in the end. His legacy is your legacy that almost no one knows. Except for you and Sif

A video by terramatis, over Artorias

Solair of the Astora

Our well know Sun bro, has a heart wrenching story of a man whose will was pushed to the breaking point. He sends his time helping you as he tries to find his sun, but ends up going insane once he finds a bug that look like the sun. Sadly you killed him or you save him before the bug gets him. Both of you travel the the kiln of the first flame to where his light will shine the brightest as he becomes his very own sun.

I do not own this content, and do not say I do, this is a video of Vatti showing the sad story of Seigmeyer.


The Reason

This is a simple website that will talk about the story of Lordran. I may go over to DS2 ,but I will try to stay only to one game. This website is managed by me, Robert and will mostly get much if not all my insparition from youtube lore guys : Vatti, Dave, Silvermont, paradimshift. Also I try to post facts of the game, and fan theories. If for some weird reason this site becomes popular then I will not mind working on this year round instead just as a school project.

The story of Lordran